In order to make the transformation from victim to survivor, a victim of crime needs to feel empowered throughout the criminal justice process. The feeling of empowerment can be facilitated by subscribing to four principles of empowerment.
These are:

A victim of crime needs to feel physically and psychologically safe from further harm in order to be able to exercise their rights

Restored Control:
Restoring control allows them to begin to regain some of the choices that were taken away from them. By providing the victim with a sense of control over their situation, their body and their surroundings they can engage more fully with the justice process

A victim is respected when we honour their choices and help them to re-establish boundaries.

Ongoing Support:
A victim of crime will recover more quickly if they have good support and feel free to ask all of the questions they need about what will happen to them and what their role is.
Who We Are, Highly Skilled, Educated, Professional Team.
We provide Hope And Support, To Victims Of Trauma. Our Service Is Free To Anyone Affected by Rape, Robbery, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Death, Suicide, Assault, Domestic Violence And Any Situation That May Cause Distress.
We promise to: value and promote services to victims, witnesses and others affected by crime which are:
OPEN to all and reflect fully the diversity of our communities
FREE to people affected by crime
CONFIDENTIAL in nature and private to the individual
ACCESSIBLE and consistent in delivery
At J-Bay Trauma Centre we Value:
Service to victims of crime.
Quality in everything we do.
Professionalism and ethics in all our work.
Innovation and the will to succeed.
Growth and development of volunteers and staff.
Continuous improvement in all that we do.
Developing and expanding our services to people affected by crime.
The views of our service users.
Equality, Diversity, and Opportunity.
Our Mission is to ensure that:
Victims are received in a friendly manner and with respect to the victim’s dignity and privacy.
Victim’s are given the opportunity to share information and are assisted should they wish to open a case.
Victims are offered emotional support.
Victims are offered practical support.
Victims are provided information on the criminal justice process and on additional services available to the victim.
Victims are referred to professional services.
Appropriate records related to their services are kept and monitored
People affected by crime get access to services which will reduce the impact of crime and assist them in their recovery
The interests of victims and others affected by crime are positively represented at every level
Ensuring that survivors of Trauma are offered comprehensive care within a “victim friendly” environment through a multi-disciplinary, co-ordinate and integrated approach.
We strive to prevent that rape survivors suffer any secondary trauma.
We visit schools.

Get In Touch
We want to hear from you!
076 708 61 00
J-Bay Trauma Support Centre
Shop 12, Neptune Terrace
Jeffrey's Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00
Emergency Calls Will Be Answered

SA Police Service Jeffrey's Bay
042 200 6804 / 10111

SA Police Service (Cell)
071 497 0623 / 112

Kouga Municipality
042 200 2200

1 017 7042

Private Care
042 291 1911

042 293 2000

042 293 2625

NSRI Station 37
079 916 0390

Jeffrey's Bay Trauma Support Center
076 708 6100