Child & Adolescent Therapy
J-Bay Trauma Center situated in the Eastern Cape in the town of Jeffrey’s Bay.
The Victim Assistance Section is staffed with personnel trained volunteers to provide crisis intervention, advocacy and support services to crime victims. Assistance includes emotional support, referral to specific provider agencies for focused follow-up services, court accompaniment and evaluation services for referral to trauma debriefing.
Trauma Counselling is provided by the centres’ Traumatologist and if necessary referrals are made to other professional personnel like Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers and other relevant NPO.
J-bay Trauma Support Center Offers Free Support.
Our Counselors offer professional and confidential support to people affected by traumatic events. We treat them with the respect they deserve and help them to find the strength to move on. We educate groups about the effects trauma has on both adults and children.

We take emergency calls 076 708 6100
Trauma Counselling:
Trauma counselling supports you in identifying and coming to terms with the feelings and emotions you may feel during and after a traumatic experience. These emotions will vary from individual to individual, but the most commonly experienced emotions are anger and fear. Recovery from trauma involves a regaining of a sense of control and mastery over one’s life, making sense of the traumatic experience and re-establishing former patterns of adaptation to life.
General Counselling:
Communities are being counselled in various aspects of life that they experience as challenging to them. Children and their families are being helped to cope with the stresses that modern life presents to them.
Debriefing of all Emergency Personnel
Play Therapy:
Play Therapy is a specific counselling approach in which games, toys and mediums such as clay, drawings and paint are used to help a child or adolescent to express their emotions, thoughts, wishes and needs. It helps them to understand muddled feelings and upsetting events that they have not had the chance or the skills to sort out properly. Rather than having to explain what is troubling them, as adult therapy usually expects, children use play to communicate at their own level and at their own pace, without feeling interrogated or threatened.
We visit schools.

Support Groups at Local Schools:
The support groups focus on supporting those children that have been subjected to any form of Trauma so that they will be able to integrate the experience in order to make the necessary changes so that healing can occur. It focuses on topic to help them build the broken walls, reinforce boundaries and prevent the reoccurrence of those traumatic invents that have broken them in the first place. It should never be hurtful to be a child.
Trauma Assist
J-Bay Trauma Support Centre in close working relationship with the local SAP assist the community with trauma related incidents such as: robbery, house breakings and assaults, domestic violence, attempted suicides to stabilize and ensure that everybody affected by these events are safe. This service is available to all the communities 24 /7.

Training and workshops: J-Bay Trauma Support Centre offers training to the whole Kouga Koukamma district believing that it will:
- Educate and create awareness amongst all groups in trauma related subjects.
- Challenge communities to break the silence about ongoing abuse.
- Challenge communities to have a zero tolerance towards crime and abuse.
- Challenge communities to work together in finding solutions to problems
- Challenge communities to take responsibility to better their own situations.
Traumatic Events such as Crime, Rape, Abuse, Bullying, Domestic Violence and Emotional Trauma are some of the areas we cover.
Training subjects:
J-Bay Trauma support Centre provides Training in the following subjects: Gender Base Violence
Different forms of abuse
Human Trafficking
How to understand and work with people that has been abuse
The world of the abuse
General counselling and communication skills
Creating a positive self image
Emotional IQ
Many other related subjects
The Board members of J-Bay Trauma Support Centre value training and upliftment programmes because:
- Educating communities helps reduce abuse and promote gender equality.
- All children have the right to protection. They have the right to survive, to be safe, to belong, to be heard, to receive adequate care and to grow up in a protective environment. A family is the first line of protection for children. Parents or other caregivers are responsible for building a protective and loving home environment. Schools and communities are responsible for building a safe and child-friendly environment outside the child’s home. In the family, school and community, children should be fully protected so they can survive, grow, learn and develop to their fullest potential
- The purposes of life skills training are first to equip children, adolescents, and young adults with interpersonal skills and knowledge that are valuable in adulthood, especially in the parenting role; and second, to provide children with skills to help them protect themselves from abuse
- While hospitals, schools, and community agencies have a critical role to play in implementing this child abuse prevention strategy, they cannot fully shoulder the responsibility. Educational campaigns are necessary to make the public aware of the seriousness of the problem and its implications as well how individuals can make a difference. The effectiveness of the preceding prevention strategy will only be realized when there is a fully aware public, committed to preventing child abuse.
Get In Touch
We want to hear from you!
076 708 61 00
J-Bay Trauma Support Centre
Shop 12, Neptune Terrace
Jeffrey's Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00
Emergency Calls Will Be Answered